Wednesday, September 10, 2014

RAFT assignment

The night was cool and crisp. Crickets chirped loudly outside as the famous, and extremely intoxicated actor, Marco, lay lightheaded on his couch. He struggled to fish for the remote in between his couch cushions and turned on his TV. The local channel was showing a rerun of the day's earlier events of competitive cliff jumping. Marco looked longingly at the television as the love of his life, Mary, made her way to the diving board. Marco had been infatuated with Mary for a very long time but he had never had the courage to tell her. However, in drunken confusion, he decided that tonight would be the night to express his feelings. 

Marco stumbled up from his couch and made his way to the door. Mary only lived a few houses down so it did not take him long to travel to her house by foot. He clumsily walked up to her door and knocked very loudly. After about two minutes, Mary came to the door. "Marco," she asked, "what are you doing here so late? Are you alright?" Marco stared at her for a while before proceeding to answer, "Mary, I've waited so long to tell you this but I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember." Mary looked at him with a confused look as he continued, "and just to prove how important you are to me, I've decided to buy you eleven porta-potties for your constipated rabbit." 

Marco looked at Mary with a hopeful gleam in his eyes hoping for her to return the affection and accept his gift, but, much to Marco's surprise, Mary burst into tears and yelled, "How dare you! My rabbit died last Wednesday! Today was the first day I had started to move past my grief. But now you decide to show up here unannounced and bring up the sensitive topic while I'm still mourning. Get out of my face and never come near me again." And with that she slammed the door in his face leaving poor Marco alone on the front step with nothing but a destroyed liver and an empty heart. 

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